Stories for sales

by | Dec 1, 2022 | News, Sales | 0 comments

How should you sell the services of your business? As a data-oriented business I know that talking about data is not always interesting to potential clients. Attended a workshop on sales hosted by Wirral Chamber of Commerce this morning with many insights from representatives of Salesgeek.. Key take-home message: turn your sales pitch into a story that doesn’t just explain what you can do for client but also induce an emotive response as to why your business is the one to engage with.

Presenters from Salesgeek talking about sales techniques during event at Wirral Chamber of Commerce.

How do you make your sales technique more effective? Representatives of present at Wirral Chamber of Commerce.

My sales story: although data may look like a lot of numbers and text my business can make it more useful for yours through visualisation, prediction or forecasting. Look elsewhere on this site for more detail about the services Coevolve IT offers or get in touch.

Map of USA. Location of open (red) and solved (green) complaints to Comcast, 2015. FCC data.

When a telecoms company received too many complaints, how visualise it? Open (red) & solved (green) complaints to Comcast, USA (2015).

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