Making your data work 


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is attracting much attention at present because of the apparent ability of AI systems to produce human-like output (especially human-like text and human-like images). This does not mean that AI is in any way conscious or introspective of what it is doing. More importantly AI solutions can be applied in many domains, which is why the full implications of its application are important to consider before resources are devoted to large-scale projects. Coevolve IT brings project management as well as software research experience which enables us to support your responsible AI projects. For more information see below and get in touch to find out more.



I am sure that you are paying much attention to AI and its diverse capabilities. But why should you consider responsible AI and what is responsible AI anyway? Different definitions exist but we suggest that responsible AI is AI that you in your business, as a manager using or producing AI, can take responsibility for. This may seem trivial but because of the various applications of AI and because of the risks associated with such applications it is worth considering further.

Putting people first

Responsible AI depends on taking into account the stakeholders that will interact with the AI that you are managing:

  • Ensuring that the AI respects human autonomy.
  • Ensuring that it does not cause harm to human users.
  • Ensuring that it acts fairly and without bias.
  • Ensuring that its results are transparent and explicable.
  • Ensuring that it uses data a private and secure manner.

It will be clear to you that the stakeholders will not just be users that you are aiming to sell an AI product to (if you are managing an AI development team), but they will be members of your own business, and they may be respresentatives of third parties who are observing what your AI product can do.

If you are seeking to procure an AI product for use within your own business these conditions will impact not just on all people reporting within your business, but also yourself. Can you trust the AI you are making financial decisions about?

Generating value

Whether you are taking responsibility for rolling out an AI product, or for integrating an AI solution into your business, you will need it to generate value. What does that mean?

Generating value from responsible AI includes:

  • Business value. No AI project would be realistic without this.
  • Innovation value. If this is your product, does it bring innovation compared to the competition? If you are buying an AI solution, will it enable your business to innovate based on existing processes?
  • Insight value. Will your responsible AI product or acquisition deliver insights into your organisation for future projects?
  • Social and environmental value. Can your responsible AI solution reduce the energy and material resource demands needed to operate it?


These may seem a very demanding set of conditions to achieve. They are more concise than some discussions of responsible AI. However, they are feasible by careful consideration of your priorities. We can assist you by considering your AI objectives and considering the requirements that a responsible AI solution needs to meet.

For example, see this article produced for Daiki about project management for responsible AI. Learn more about our work with Daiki here. Although AI is more than software development and project management these activities are a very important part of generating a responsible AI system, which is why we can focus on responsible AI for you. In doing so we can also advise you on testing AI.

Many organisations are focusing on AI for business solutions, as a meeting on  generative AI for business showed. We can bring insights from this and other meetings to you.

It is important to be aware of the emerging definition of governance for AI applications. Responsible AI cannot exist without meeting governance requirements. In the EU the Artificial Intelligence Act (AIA) will define what are high-risk AI systems and how to deal with them. Read more here. An AI governance environment exists in the UK, this will change.

Coevolve IT brings project management as well as software research experience which enables us to support your responsible AI projects.

We can also advise you about the ethical implications of AI, see AI ethics for more information.

To discuss with us your interests, get in touch.

Artificial Intelligence & AI & Machine Learning