Quick talks about complex ideas

by | Dec 4, 2022 | News | 0 comments

How can the results of analysis of complex ideas be turned into concepts that can help with decision making? This is where presentation skills matter. Coevolve IT has been established on the basis of presenting to different audiences: business managers; academic conferences; student classes and public events. Ignite talks although originating in the US are global in scope and are an example of the latter. For company directors the principle they follow of 5 minute talks using 20 slides is surely an efficient way of using time. Paul Marrow has spoken a number of times at Ignite Liverpool events always fitting to this schedule.

Paul Marrow presenting at Ignite Liverpool. Speaker on stage with screen to right.

An example of a concise presentation. Paul Marrow speaks at Ignite Liverpool.

Do you have complex ideas that need converting into concise presentations? Get in touch to find out how that can be done.

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