What software to use for data analysis? R seems to be dominant in ecology and evolution where many standard packages are available to support biological data analysis. As well as ventures into:
- Genstat https://vsni.co.uk/software/genstat
- Minitab https://www.minitab.com/en-us/
- MATLAB https://uk.mathworks.com/products/matlab.html
- Octave https://octave.org/
- Orange https://orangedatamining.com/
the Coevolve IT team have gradually migrated to Python preferring its syntax and extremely diverse package library. These software tools are not in competition when we spend time with you identifying what your business objectives are. Discussion of your business objectives may lead to selection of a particular software tool; or of one not shown on this list; or of a research activity that goes beyond analysis of your data.
Are you clear about the objectives of your business and whether they involve data analysis? Get in touch to discuss further.

Using the library() function in R shows some of the diversity of useful packages for data analysis installed by default when viewed in RStudio.