Life in the chipset

by | Jun 28, 2023 | News | 0 comments

Adding blog entires has become infrequent because my laptop has responded slowly, and sometimes crashed unexpectedly. After discussion with friends who are more familiar with what is going on inside the machine I made the decision to upgrade my laptop’s RAM, because there is apparently a spare slot for a RAM chip.

RAM chips for laptop .

If your laptop RAM is not powerful enough these chips may improve it. See Crucial.

I wrote “apparently” because at the time of ordering I had never seen under the cover of a laptop. I can now confirm that, having taken the back off, there was a large space just the right size for more RAM. After inserting the new chip and screwing the back on, the new chip worked perfectly, with no detectable problems.

In addition many applications, such as WordPress which I am using to write this blog entry, run much faster and smoother. In my laptop chipset I cannot upgrade the CPU, which would also be desirable, but this doesn’t seem to be a problem at present. You can be confident that Coevolve IT can provide services effectively. For more information get in contact.

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