Generative AI for business
Sci-Tech Daresbury is a science and technology park hosting businesses in many sectors. It is also the location for events relevant to those companies and to other companies in the surrounding region (northwest England). It was thus the appropriate location for a workshop on gen[erative]AI for business attended by Coevolve IT held on 11 October 2023.
Other attendees were either already involved in the application of AI, or interested in the potential for application of AI to their business. Thanks are due to the Hartree Centre, IBM, Bluebird IT Services, TIS Group and many others, for presentations and stimulating discussion. An opportunity for networking with like-minded participants during and after the session.
If you are interested in the use of these technologies in your business, watch out for further events like this one.
Where to learn more
Alternatively, speak to us. In Coevolve IT we focus on responsible AI and AI ethics. But our background in data science and project management means that we can consider your problem from the data required through its project roadmap to the objectives you wish to seek.
For more information, get in touch.

Invitation to the Generative AI for business event as shown on the Bluebird IT Services website.