AI a solution to all problems?

by | Nov 17, 2023 | News | 0 comments

AI a solution to all problems?

The focus on AI especially Generative AI applications may suggest that all problems and products can be solved using them. However this is certainly not the case today.

First, they create problems not all of which are fully understood, hence the global interest in AI regulation, following different directions in different countries and via different international bodies such as the UN, OECD or EU.

Second, AI may not be the answer to all your business, public policy or other sector problems. Are you involved in manufacturing where the solution may be in the choice of tools not driven by AI? Do you work in a context where people soft-skills may be the solution to the problems that arise in your organisation?

But AI is a relevant emerging technology, that should be used responsibly and ethically. It is an international, national and even regional or local issue. Pay attention to it. We at Coevolve IT are here to advise ou.

Where to learn more

In Coevolve IT we focus on responsible AI and AI ethics. But our background in data science and project management means that we can consider your problem from the data required through its project roadmap to the objectives you wish to obtain.

For more information, get in touch.

Generative AI for business. Web page invitation.

Plasma ball with light as a metaphor for artificial neural networks used in Artificial Intelligence. Photo by Josh Reimer on Unsplash

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