Making your written output outstanding

by | Dec 7, 2022 | News | 0 comments

How do you go from a draft outline of words to a strong and complete document?

  • Know who you are writing for.
  • Organise your document into appropriate sections.
  • Justify the arguments you make with evidence.
  • Strengthen your written text with images or diagrams.
  • Keep your document within the required wordcount.

These are some of the important issues. We can help you by reviewing or editing your document based on the expertise in writing (see Paul Marrow’s  ORCID record) that we have in our team.

Most important keywords from papers published by Association for Computing Machinery where Paul Marrow is the author. The size of keywords reflects their frequency.

Example keywords. Your document will have different ones.

Your keywords will not be the same as shown here, but rewriting and editing skills are transferrable.

Do you need to improve your written output? Get in touch.

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