Making your data work
Our experience in applied computing, mathematics and other research means that we can tackle your problems. Because we have worked in industry and academia we are used to learning about new areas. Look also our pages focusing on data and responsible and ethical AI. Read more below and get in touch.
What sort of problems?
What about business objectives that cannot be completely solved through your current business processes? We offer other services such as data analytics but we know these may not provide all the answers you are seeking. In such a case we can study the business and academic literature surrounding the problem. Then we can produce a summary of the actions you can take.
Why is our experience relevant?
Because we approach this from wide experience in many areas of business as well as academic research, you can be confident that we know about the importance of timescales in delivering results, as well as the importance of different formats depending on our audience. Depending upon your preference you may be expecting a written report or a visual presentation, an immediate discussion, or some mixture of the above.
Dealing with stakeholders
The stakeholders interested in the outcome of research into your problem may come from several areas. We are used to this, having dealt with clients working with third parties, and having been employed in large enterprises with many different business partners.
Research process
We originated from an academic background. Thus we are familiar with the need for justification and reproduceability of results. At the same time we are familiar with the need to balance the benefits of insights from research with the cost of its effort. This allows us to devise a research process that is proportionate to your question.
Much of our recent business research cannot be displayed through this site for reasons of commercial confidentiality. Earlier business research as an employee of larger enterprises is available through Google Scholar and the DBLP Computer Science Bibliography.
So if you have a problem that doesn’t seem to be addressable by your convential business processes, get in touch.
Data Analytics Business Research Business Funding and Networks Responsible AI AI Ethics